Navigating relationships

I've been thinking a lot about personal dynamics this week so thought I'd share my attempt at visualising it (this is my version, feel free to change the protagonists to fit your life).

In my family, there's me, my husband and my kids.

We all hold different beliefs and values and we all exhibit different behaviours and react differently to certain situations.

When we overlap, our values, beliefs and behaviours collide. Sometimes positively, sometimes in conflict.

Understanding that we bring different ideas and strategies to the table is helping me cope with what feels like a very tough parenting chapter. I maintain my force field by leaning on some of my resilience pillars - leaning on friends and family, self care, believing in my strengths and having coping strategies to hand.

For me, the middle of the diagram represents all the qualities I'd like to see - truth, kindness, support, love, authenticity. There's a little way to go yet but visualising it like this makes it feel possible!


Surviving the school holidays


Six key factors of resilience.