The Rise of the Portfolio Career

In the latest season of The Parent Equation Podcast I spoke to three experts and one parent on the rise of the portfolio career, where you engage in multiple, often diverse, professional pursuits alongside each other.  You could be working multiple part time roles, freelance/consult or have personal projects.  All of which combine to build a diverse portfolio of income streams.

The fall of a linear career

The traditional linear career approach is becoming more dynamic and fluid.  It gives us all more freedom, flexibility, and hopefully fulfilment.  It also means we can embrace our strengths and our passions to create meaningful work for ourselves.  If we look at our careers more like a kaleidoscope then we’re able to twist that lens bringing into focus what’s important to us at that moment.

Your personal values

The first thing to think about is the crucial role of your personal values in a career transition.  What’s behind your need for a portfolio career and what could be the component parts?  What’s important to you?  Which parts of your role (and previous roles) align to your values and which don’t?  How can you shape your current role or career path to better fit?

Check in with your organisation

More and more companies are appreciating the benefits of portfolio careerists as part of their internal talent pool.  You bring fresh insight, different perspectives and the ability to quickly adapt to new challenges.  So ask them how they could support you through secondments, shadowing or external placements.

Tips for having a successful portfolio career

  1. Skills Development: Continuous learning is crucial for success - stay abreast of industry trends, identify any skill gaps and upskill/reskill accordingly

  2. Networking: Building a robust professional network is essential as it facilitates new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships across different industries. Stay curious and open to new ideas!

  3. Personal Branding: Establishing a strong personal brand involves effectively communicating your strengths, skills and values in a marketable way.


What kind of working parent are you?


Take control of your career