Accredited EMCC Career Coach in Croydon - Ayesha Murray Coaching.

Without a clear vision of how a career and family life can work together, both wind up suffering. I know. I’ve been there. For years I had a successful career working with some top companies, but I was torn by feelings of guilt that I wasn't paying enough attention to either home or work.

After experiencing a period of professional upheaval I discovered the value of professional coaching. My sessions changed my entire world view and inspired me to become an accredited EMCC Career Coach myself. Today, I share what was shared with me to try and help those who are on a similar path.

Finding Focus, Developing Belief
Attempting to balance work and home life in Croydon means we often wind up losing the one thing we cannot afford to lose: focus. Decisions are no longer made based on a well thought out set of priorities, but rather on spur of the moment considerations that inevitably undermine long term goals. As things get muddied and inertia sets in, our self-belief founders and confusion sets in.

As a certified Career Coach in Croydon, my mission is to help you break down the barriers to success you have subconsciously cultivated over the years, to expose and eliminate counterproductive habits and beliefs, and to help you develop goals that are aligned to your values and skillset. Over the course of your coaching sessions, you will rediscover your focus and passion and gain an unshakeable belief in your ability to succeed at whatever you turn your mind to.

The Value of the Career Coach in Croydon
No athlete can realise their full potential without a gifted coach in their corner. The coach provides an objective point of view, makes constructive suggestions based on a thorough knowledge of the person and their sport, cultivates the athlete’s belief in themselves, and develops an action plan that puts them in the best position to succeed.

As a Career Coach in Croydon, I do exactly the same thing with working parents who have reached a crossroads in their personal/professional life and are unsure how to proceed. Often my clients are overwhelmed by conflicting responsibilities and have lost the ability to effectively prioritise. The result is either chaos or stagnation. It doesn't have to be that way. Working together we will put an end to uncertainty, cast off the artificial constraints that have been keeping your potential in check, and learn how to balance work and home effectively. Along the way, you will discover exactly who you are, what you want and how you are going to get it.

Stop Settling for Less
Once inertia takes hold it can be very difficult to regain momentum in your personal and professional lives. But it can be done. And Career Coaching is how you do it. If you're tired of settling for less simply because you’ve lost focus, get in touch with me, Ayesha Murray. Together we'll put you back in the picture and get you back on course towards true personal and professional fulfilment.

Get In Touch
Use the contact form on my website to sign up for Career Coaching in Croydon.
Or email me with any questions at
You can also call me on 07971 865 653 during normal business hours.